Walking on Sunshine

Walking on Sunshine

3 minute read

"Written by Lauren James Budhu"

I don’t know about you, but when Memorial Day comes around every year, I am filled with anticipation because it means that swimming sessions, playground time, long walks around the neighborhood, and impromptu cookouts are on the horizon. Whatever your fun summer shenanigans may be, here are some tips to stay safe and healthy throughout the season.


Unfortunately, 2023 is turning out to be one of the hottest years on record. During these record scorchers, make sure your water bottle is filled up to remain hydrated throughout the day; try to stay away from caffeine or alcohol if you’re spending a lot of time outside. Also, wear loose-fitting clothes and avoid dark colors that absorb the sun’s rays. Working outside or doing yard work? Slow down and try not to overexert yourself, and make sure to take frequent breaks.


One favorite way to beat the heat is by swimming, be it at your local city pool, beach, nearby lake or river. If you plan to spend some time around the water this summer, remember that safety needs to come first. Here are some tips to know about water safety, according to the Red Cross:


  • Ensure that every family member who swims has these skills of water competency: able to enter the water, get a breath, stay afloat, change position, swim a distance and then get out of the water safely.
  • Have layers of protection by adding barriers to access water easily, making life jackets available, and providing close supervision of children to prevent drowning.
  • Know what to do in a water emergency– including how to help someone in trouble, calling for emergency help and doing CPR.


When it comes to protecting your largest organ– your skin– shade, the right clothing and sunscreen are your biggest defenders. While the sun is great for reducing stress, being active, and getting your daily dose of Vitamin D, it can still cause damage and even skin cancer. That’s why staying in the shade is ideal, as well as wearing wide-brimmed hats with long-sleeved shirts and pants, if possible. We also can’t forget sunglasses– they protect your eyes from UVA and UVB rays, plus help prevent cataracts. Of course, the right sunscreen is a must-have. Put on a broad spectrum sunscreen that filters out both UVA and UVB rays with a SPF of 15 or higher on all exposed skin. Supplemental skincare products, such as MojaveDesert Skin Shield’s Organic Chaparral Protective Mist, can provide an additional boost to your sunscreen routine.


Another huge part of the summertime is grilling! We love our cookouts in the summer, but consider some precautions when putting your favorite meat, veggie or fruit on the fire:


  • Always supervise a grill when in use; don’t add charcoal starter fluid when coals have already been ignited.
  • Never grill indoors (this might be a no brainer, but you would be surprised!).
  • Make sure all the kiddos and pets stay away from the grill.
  • Keep the grill out in the open and away from the house.
  • Use long-handled tools, especially those made for cooking on the grill, to keep you or your designated griller safe.

Hopefully, you love summertime just as much as our family! Staying safe, happy and healthy, just requires a few simple precautions. Here’s to lots of sunshine, cool drinks, fun dips in the water and lots of fun all season-long. Cheers!

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